Regular Board Meeting Agenda

Melstone Public Schools Cafeteria 

Tuesday – May 9th, 2023 – 7:00 pm

  1. Call to order-Roll Call-Pledge of Allegiance

  2. Review & Adopt Agenda

  3. Positive School Happenings

  4. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items

(Opportunity allowing public comment on any public matter not otherwise on the agenda and that is within the jurisdiction of the agency. MCA 2-3-103)

5. Unfinished Business

5.1 Consideration of Approval of 2023-2024 School Calendar 

6. New Business 

6.1Consideration of bus transportation agreements with Forsyth 4H and Roundup 55H 6.2Consideration of Approval of 2023-2024 Classified Staff Contracts 

6.3Consideration of Approval of 2023-2024 Extra/co. Curricular Contracts 

6.4Consideration of Approval of contract for  summer Custodian 

6.5Consideration of use of ESSER funds to pay for emergency system 

6.6June meeting change request 

7. Administrator’s Report 


7.2 Esser funding update 

8. Consent Agenda 

8.1 Consideration of approval of May Claims/Payroll 

8.2 Consideration of Approval of 4-11-23  Regular Meeting Minutes & special meeting minutes 4-24-23 

8.3 Consideration of approval of April student Activity receipts & disbursements 

9. Adjourn