About Us
We are a K-12 school located in Melstone, Montana. We recently adopted the 4 day school week at Melstone. This has been a huge success in our small community. Everyone loves the four day school week. It benefits our school so much because all students are in most activities and sports, plus it gives families opportunities to go to doctor appointments or get work on the ranch done without missing a day of school. Since the 4 day school week, attendance and test scores have improved in significant numbers. We are in the south eastern part of Montana called the Big Sky County. We have a wonderful teaching staff on board where students get a lot of one on one teaching. We are a small rural town that is very friendly and welcoming. We are 33 miles east of Roundup, Montana and 80 miles east of Billings, Montana. Our students in Melstone have excelled in all levels from academics to sports. We are proud of our school and what it has to offer. For more information please call 406-358-2352. Fax 406-358-2346.