Welcome to the web page of the Board of Trustees for Melstone Public School Districts 64JH. Meetings are generally held the 2nd Tuesday of each month.

To request a packet for a board meeting please fill out the form below. Turn in form in hard copy form to Business Manager Justina Marshall or email it to Justina.marshall@melstone.net. If you have any questions please reach out at 406-358-2309.

Document Request Form

Public Participation on Non-Agenda Items is the time for comment on public matters that are not on the agenda. Members of the audience are encouraged to briefly address the trustees on an issue that is not on the agenda. The Chair of the Board will seek comments from the audience on significant items as they occur. Public matters do not include any pending legal matters, private personnel issues or private student issues. Please do not attempt to address such issues at this time or you will be ruled out of order.

Check out our live feed to see our current month agenda

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